21 August. Welcome!



Name Tags: Take a sheet of paper that is being passed around and write/draw the following. After you are finished, we will go around and introduce ourselves.
  • 1. Write your name (or Nickname)
  • 2. Draw your family pet or pet you might get someday
  • 3. Draw your favorite vacation spot
  • 4. Draw your favorite food
  • 5. Draw your favorite sport or hobby
  • 6. Fold into a name plate and put in front of you on your table

Course Overview

Follow along as I review the following information all contained on the course site. After the review has concluded you will have time to complete the Student Instructor Agreement Form.

Analysis Activity: First Week Video 

Get into four groups, watch the sample student video assigned to your group, and then respond to the following questions. You do not need to write out full answers to the questions. Just be prepared to discuss your findings with the class.
  • 1. What WOVEN mode do the students in the video anticipate will challenge them most and why?
  • 2. How do the students in the video plan to overcome their anticipated challenges?
  • 3. What does this video do that’s successful?

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group  4


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