27 November. Video W/S


  • While revision is built into all major assignments, during the semester you will have the opportunity to revise one major assignment that earns a B- or below. If you wish to revise a graded assignment, meet with me during office hours or by appointment to discuss steps and due dates. The revised assignment will receive an entirely new grade (not an average of the old and new grade).

Extra Credit

  • If you want to earn 10 extra-credit points, come to class with a draft of your portfolio and be prepared to discuss your composition process with the rest of the class on Tuesday, Dec 4th.

Video Workshop

Get into your video groups and discuss the following. I’ll come around and chat with each group. If possible, be prepared to share drafts of your video.
  • 1. What is the central topic and claim about the topic?
  • 2. Who is your audience and how have you utilized the affordances of video to capture your audience’s attention and persuade them of your claims, i.e. transitions, different types of footage, sound queues, a central narrative or narrator, etc.?
  • 3. Are you having any problems with the form or content? Are you having any work flow problems?

13 & 15 November. Remote Group Video Workshops

Remember class will be held remotely on 13 and 15th of November. Please check the time and date listed to the left of your names below and be in your group’s Google Doc when assigned.

Tuesday, Nov 13: Video Group Workshops

Group Number Student Names Meeting Time
G4 Mark, Tejas, Jiale, Akhil 9:30-9:50
G5 Jarod, Elton, Esther, Sanyu 10:55-11:20
G6 Thiago, Danya, Akshay, Elias, Ashley 10:20-10:45
G10 Danny, Kyle, Rishi 12:00-12:25
G11 Henna, Lauren, Jeremy 12:30-12:50
G12 Shrya, Greyson, Alvin, Summahay 12:55-1:15
G16 Kevin, Jason, Brett, Wyatt 1:30-1:50
G17 Shakeeb, Mitchell, Michael Tang, Andy 1:55-2:20
G18 Thomas, Kenny, Michael Chen, Kiet 2:20-2:45

Thursday, Nov 15: Video Group Workshops

Group Number Student Names Meeting Time
G1 Zeyu, Enerelt, Jialou, Firaas 9:30-9:50
G2 Brandon, Max, Hannah, Dorian 10:55-10:20
G3 Jintong, Fei Pei, Hae Won, Eni 10:20-10:45
G7 Patrick, Margaret, Mathew, Mai 12:00-12:25
G8 Melissa, Samantha, Henrick, John 12:30-12:50
G9 Dov, Omar, Dustin, Giancarlo 12:55-1:15
G13 Brandon, Ravi, Andres, David 1:30-1:50
G14 Ben, Anna, Siddarth, Cecelia, Andrew 1:55-2:20
G15 Maya, Manisha, Avni, Jennifer 2:20-2:45


6 September. Poster W/S


  • 1. Give yourself enough time to print.
  • 2.Printing at the Multimedia Studio can take up to 48 hours, and printing at Paper and Clay can take up to 72 hours
  • 3. You DO NOT need to mount your posters to foam core

Multimedia Center

Poster Design Presentation & Workshop

Please give the Communication Center Fellow your complete attention, as they lead us through the following:
  • 1. Key elements of visual and oral rhetoric
  • 2. Poster draft workshop

Poster Pitch Drafting Activity

If you have not , take 5 minutes and respond to the following:
  • 1. Describe the collection you chose. 
  • 2. Describe how the collection you chose illustrates a key concept from the reading.
  • 3. What new information does your Poster and Pitch contribute to either the conversation about the collection you illustrate OR the key concept you illustrate? 

Poster Pitch Session Model