Student Teaching

Student Teaching Groups/Dates


Upon completion of Student Teaching Activity, students should be able to:
  • 1. Identify and meet course learning objectives
  • 2. Model a process for understanding central claims/concepts and/or skills 
  • 3. Engage audiences through an activity that invites them to practice skills presenters model
  • 4. Work collaboratively in small and large groups

Presentation Checklist

Presenters must complete the following for full credit:
  • 1. Give a 5-10 minute, multimodal over view of a key idea, metaphor, or skill drawn from the course text students were assigned to read for that day in which you convey your overview in multiple modes 
  • 2. Lead the class in 20-30 (including summary discussion) minute activity that allows them to practice the skill you reviewed and/or gain better understanding of the key idea/metaphor you presented
  • 3. Write a 200-500 word reflection on your presentation that explains: 1. the course objective(s) you attempted to meet, and 2. how the overview/activity you designed met your goal(s)
  • 4. Each member of the group will upload the his/her individual Reflection along with all common materials used during the presentation no later the 10 days after the presentation.


Group Presentation is worth 10% of your total grade and will be assessed according to the final criteria adapted from the Common Feedback Chart:

  • 1. Rhetorical Awareness: Does the Presentation address writing the situation (and assignment) completely and/or with unexpected insight? Does the Presentation fulfill the assigned rhetorical requirements and include an introduction?  (20%)
  • 2. Stance: Does the Presentation clearly articulate a unifying goal? Does the Presentation aim to meet at least one course object? Does the Presentation attempt to convey a central metaphor, theme, skill by leading the rest of the class in an activity? (20%)
  • 3.Development of Ideas: Does the group convey the key idea, concept, skill visually and verbally? During the Presentation, does the group engage the class by responding to questions and asking questions in return? (20%)
  • 4. Organization: Do the Presentation overview and activity materials cohere? Do the Presentation overview and activity support the learning objectives in the supporting materials? (20%)
  • 5. Design for Medium: Does the group use the affordances of modes to enhance the goal/content? (10%)
  • 6. Process: Does the final draft demonstrate planning and revision? (5%)
  • 7. Conventions: Do the Presentation materials and the presentation itself meet grammar, mechanics style, and syntax conventions with few or no errors? (5%)