Literary Analysis Essay


Upon completion of this project, students should be able to:
Persuade your readers of the efficacy of their original argument driven analysis of Hamlet in a six to seven page, double spaced essay through logical progression and close analysis of primary and secondary texts.


A successful Literary Analysis Essay will accomplish the following:
  • 1. Make an arguable claim about Hamlet and Bad Collections or one or more of the following, subsidiary, terms: hoarding, archives, vibrant matter, preservation, salvage, recycling, accumulation, or object oriented ontology.
  • 2. Develop your claim through close analysis of at least three passages from Hamlet. 
  • 3. Show how your argument fits into a larger conversation about Hamlet by including analysis and citation from at least one scholarly or “valid” source published no earlier than 2000.
  • 4. Essay must include at least two visual images, integrated into the text, which challenge, illustrate, compliment, etc. the argument/analysis
  • 5. Essay must include a clear claim on the required topics; key terms defined and used consistently throughout; close analysis of both primary and secondary source text(s) that accounts for linguistic features and meaning; topic sentences and transitions that show how your readings develop your claim; and few to no grammar, sentence, and mechanical issues.
  • 6. Final draft needs to be at least six to seven pages, double spaced long; all in-text citations and works cited in MLA; uploaded to Canvas as a .docx or .pdf.
  • 7. In your conclusion, or throughout, please connect your argument about the play to an instance of Climate Change or environmental devastation in our era.


The Literary Analysis Essay is worth 20% of your total grade and will be assessed as follows:
  • 1. Rhetorical Awareness: Does the Literary Analysis Essay address the situation (and assignment) completely and/or with unexpected insight? Does the Essay make an arguable claim about Hamlet one or more of the following terms: hoarding, archives, vibrant matter, speculative realism, or object oriented ontology? (20%)
  • 2. Stance: Does the Essay articulate a complex, unifying argument that articulates a sophisticated position and explores the multiple implications of that position? Does the Essay show the argument fits into larger conversations about Hamlet by citing/analyzing at least one secondary, scholarly/valid source? (20%)
  • 3.Development of Ideas: Does the author sustain his/her claim through fully analyzed evidence that supports all related claims? Does the author develop her/his claim through close analysis of the linguistic features and meaning of at least three passages from The Hamlet? Does the author connect Hamlet to a contemporary environmental issue?  (20%)
  • 4. Organization: Does the Essay sustain the claim throughout?  Are transitions from one portion of the Essay to the next clear and logical? Has author adapted typical organizational patterns of academic writing? Is there a conclusion? (20%)
  • 5. Process: Does the final draft  demonstrate planning and revision? (10%)
  • 6. Conventions:Does the essay include at least two visuals? Does essay meet grammar, mechanics style, and syntax conventions with few or no errors? Is Essay in MLA? (10%)