25 October. Inconvenient Truth & Writing Process Reflection.

Worland, Justin. “How Your Trash Contributes to Climate Change.” 22 September 2015.


Essay Process Reflection

Take 5-8 minutes and respond to the following:
  • 1. Narrate, describe, tell the story of how your paper developed. Your “story” should proceed through the following: Did you start by responding to the prompt? Did you start with a key chunk of text you wanted to write about? What sorts of invention writing did you do? What classroom activities/discussions developed/changed your thinking? What sort of feedback did you receive? What changed draft to draft?
  • 2. Draw the “story” of your Essay writing process on the board

Student Teaching Groups

Groups Students
G1 Zeyu, Enerelt, Jialou, Firaas
G9 Dov, Omar, Dustin, Giancarlo
G18 Thomas, Kenny, Michael Chen, Kiet

Scene Analysis: An Inconvenient Truth

As we watch the clip from Gore’s movie/slide share talk, please keep the following in mind:
  • 1. Context: What “happens” in the selected sequence on the level of plot? What is the function of this sequence within the larger narrative action (foreshadowing, climax, transition, exposition, etc,)? What is the overall goal of the clip?
  • Describe the Frame is it open form: frame is de-emphasized, has a “snapshot” quality? Is it closed form: frame is composed and self-contained, the frame acts as a boundary and a limit?. How does the frame help communicate the goal of the documentary to the audience?
  • 3. Describe the Set. Is it in a studio or a location? What props are used? Are they used symbolically? How do the sets help Gore convey his message? 
  • 4. Describe the Design (symmetrical or asymmetrical; balanced or unbalanced; stylized or natural; does it belong to a certain period or artistic style). How does design help Gore communicate his goal? 

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