Student Teaching Dates

ENGL 1101.F2

Group Number Group Names Dates
G1 Zeyu, Enerelt, Jialou, Firaas R, Oct 25
G2 Brandon, Max, Hannah, Hui Min, Dorian R, Nov 8
G3 Jintong, Fei Pei, Hae Won, Eni R, Nov 1
G4 Mark, Tejas, Jiale, Akhil R, Oct 18
G5 Jarod, Elton, Esther, Sanyu R, Oct 4
G6 Thiago, Danya, Akshay, Elias, Ashley R, Oct 11


Group Number Group Names Dates
G7 Patrick, Margaret, Mathew, Mai R, Oct 11
G8 Melissa, Samantha, Henrick, John T, Nov 8
G9 Dov, Omar, Dustin, Giancarlo R, Oct 25
G10 Danny, Kyle, Rishi T, Oct 2
G11 Henna, Lauren, Jeremy R, Nov 1
G12 Shraya, Greyson, Alvin, Summayyah R, Oct 4

ENGL 1101.D2

Group Number Group Name Dates
G13 Brandon, Ravi, Andres, David T, Oct 2
G14 Ben, Anna, Siddarth, Cecelia, Andrew R, Nov 8
G15 Maya, Manisha, Avni, Jennifer R, Nov 1
G16 Kevin, Jason, Brett, Wyatt R, Oct 18
G17 Shakeeb, Mitchell, Michael Tang, Andy R, Oct 11
G18 Thomas, Kenny, Michawel Chen, Kiet R, Oct 25

Student Teaching Groups

ENGL 1101.F2

Group Number Group Members
G1 Zeyu, Enerelt, Jialou, Firaas
G2 Brandon, Max, Hannah, Huimin, Dorian
G3 Jintong, Fei Pei, Hae Won, Eni
G4 Mark, Tehas, Jiale, Akhil
G5 Jarod, Elton, Esther, Sanyu
G6 Thiago, Danya, Akshay, Alias, Ashley

ENGL 1101.N1

Group Number Group Members
G7 Patrick, Margaret, Mathew Mai
G8 Melissa, Samantha, Henrick, John
G9 Dov, Omar, Dustin, Giancarlo
G10 Danny, Maya, Kyle, Rishi
G11 Henna, Lauren, Jeremy
G12 Shrya, Greyson, Alvin, Summahay

ENGL 1101.D2

Group Members Group Members
G13 Brandon, Ravi, Andres, David
G14 Ben, Anna, Siddarth, Cecelia, Andres
G15 Maya, Manisha, Avni, Jennifer
G16 Kevin, Jason, Brett, Wyatt
G17 Shakeeb, Mitchell, Michael Tang, Andy
G18 Thomas, Kenny, Michawel Chen, Kiet

Poster Session Presentation Dates

ENGL 1101.F2

Dates/Time Presentation Groups
Tuesday, Sept 11 Group One: Hannah, Enioluwa, Danya, Enerelt, Fei, Thiago, Esther, Jintong, Brandon, Akhil, Jarod, and Hae Won
Thursday, Sept 13 Group Two: Akshay, Hui Min, Mark, Qichen, Dorein, Elton, Tejas, Firaas, Elias, Ashley, Zeyu, Sanyu, Max Jialuo, and Jiale

ENGL 1101. N1

Both Poster Sessions will be held in Hall 102, the room across from our classroom.

Dates/Times Presentation Groups
Tuesday, Sept 11 Group One: Samantha, Henrik, Lauren, Alvin, Dustin, Summayyah, Melissa,  Omar, and Henna
Thursday, Sept 13 Group Two: Kyle, Rishi, Patrick, Danny, Margaret, Grayson, Giancarlo,  Mai, Shreya, Jermey, Dov, John, Matthew

ENGL 1101. D2

Dates/Time Presentation Groups
Tuesday, Sept 11 Group One: Brandon, Michael Chen, Benjamin, Anna, Andrew, Andy, Kevin, Maya, Yeajin, Jing Xi, Jason, Wyatt
Thursday, Sept 13 Group Two: Kenny, Manisha, Yue, Shakeeb, Siddarth, Avni, Brett, Ravi, Kok Wei, Michael Tang, Mitchell, Andres, Kiet


Part I. Introductions

Name Tags: Take a sheet of paper that is being passed around and write/draw the following. After you are finished, we will go around and introduce ourselves.
  • 1. Write your name (or Nickname)
  • 2. Draw your family pet or pet you might get someday
  • 3. Draw your favorite vacation spot
  • 4. Draw your favorite food
  • 5. Draw your favorite sport or hobby
  • 6. Fold into a name plate and put in front of you on your table

Part II. Course Overview

Follow along as I review the following information all contained on the course site. After the review has concluded you will have time to complete the Student Instructor Agreement Form.

Part III. First Week Video


Get into four groups, watch the sample student video assigned to your group, and then respond to the following questions. You do not need to write out full answers to the questions. Just be prepared to discuss your findings with the class.
  • 1. What WOVEN mode do the students in the video anticipate will challenge them most and why?
  • 2. How do the students in the video plan to overcome their anticipated challenges?
  • 3. What’s one moment in the video where the student could have taken advantage of the medium? For instance, how might a video about the potential pressures of oral communication telegraph those pressures visually to offset pressures a project poses?

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group  4

Invention Exercise

Respond to the following on your own or with a partner. As soon as you have finished drafting (5-8 mins), draw your visual representation on the board:
  • 1. What course assignment & mode do you anticipate to be most challenging?
  • 2. Why? That is, how has the mode challenged you in the past?
  • 3. How do you plan to overcome the challenge?
  • 4. What is one image you can use in your video represent the challenges you perceive?
  • 5. Draw the visual representation of your challenge on the board.

For Next Time…

Please complete the following for Thursday August 23
  • 1. Draft of script, outline, or rough video for workshop.

21 August. Welcome!



Name Tags: Take a sheet of paper that is being passed around and write/draw the following. After you are finished, we will go around and introduce ourselves.
  • 1. Write your name (or Nickname)
  • 2. Draw your family pet or pet you might get someday
  • 3. Draw your favorite vacation spot
  • 4. Draw your favorite food
  • 5. Draw your favorite sport or hobby
  • 6. Fold into a name plate and put in front of you on your table

Course Overview

Follow along as I review the following information all contained on the course site. After the review has concluded you will have time to complete the Student Instructor Agreement Form.

Analysis Activity: First Week Video 

Get into four groups, watch the sample student video assigned to your group, and then respond to the following questions. You do not need to write out full answers to the questions. Just be prepared to discuss your findings with the class.
  • 1. What WOVEN mode do the students in the video anticipate will challenge them most and why?
  • 2. How do the students in the video plan to overcome their anticipated challenges?
  • 3. What does this video do that’s successful?

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group  4